Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Keeping the spirit alive of achieving more by working together, MatchBox Exchange (MB) Singapore hosted an evening for our customers, at Fame Entertainment in Jurong on Saturday, October 8th, 2022. Close to 40 customers attended the event along with the added support from Wan Hai, a key MB Partner.
The event was conducted to appreciate all users for adopting and supporting MatchBox Exchange’s platform with reuse and exchange bookings. The evening marked a celebration where customers who often carry out exchanges with one another got an opportunity to network. This greatly contributed to bring the logistics community together through exchanges, a big part of the MatchBox Exchange mission.

To honour our top users, a segment of the event included an award ceremony.
a) Hock Seng Heng Transport & Trading Pte Ltd and CA Transportation & Warehousing Pte Ltd were recognized for making the Most Re-Use and Exchange bookings so far in 2022.
b) Rejoice Container Services Pte Ltd, WYN2000 Transport & Container Services Pte Ltd and Waterfront Services Pte Ltd were awarded the title of MB’s Power Users for consistently booking on the MB platform.
c) A special mention went to Teresa Seah from Po San Transportation Pte Ltd as MB’s Social Butterfly, for always going above and beyond in promoting the MB platform.

The event’s resounding success can be attributed to the fact that the evening lasted for over 8 hours while it was originally scheduled for a couple of hours. We also received comments such as “It really is the best solution our industry has received” and “We all win” from our customers.