It is not common for competing businesses to work in collaboration with each other. But if it could save you time, reduce your costs, and bring in more business, would you consider it? This is a question that shipping container transport operators are starting to ask themselves. As the industry embraces the benefits of digital processes and starts looking for new ways to reduce costs and disruptions in supply chains, there is an opportunity for transport businesses to adopt (and benefit from) more streamlined, strategic, and collaborative processes. Indeed, emerging technology is helping the container transport industry to drive more efficient empty container management and reduce the use of depots by offering digital container reuse (or container triangulation) as a viable alternative. However, it begs the question: is this alone sufficient? Transport operators continue to wear the cost of wasteful supply chains. Container triangulation, which is often synonymous with reusing import containers for export purposes, provides significant time and cost-saving advantages for companies that can reuse empty containers in their possession – reducing the frequent need to transit through depots. It’s a great alternative to depots, that many transport businesses are adopting. However, what if import containers don’t match their export needs? In this…