In this case study, we will explore how Coastline Transport utilises MatchBox Exchange’s digital platform to its advantage. After a brief introduction to their business, we will delve into their responses to a few questions we asked them. About Coastline Transport Coastline Transport operates an off-port container storage park and a dedicated container transport fleet, offering efficient and cost-saving solutions for customers in Auckland and throughout New Zealand. They have been utilizing our platform since 2022, and their usage has steadily increased since then. Initially, they started out with a high import volume, which led them to offload containers through Exchange to exporters. As they took on more export work, they have also started Re-Using their own import containers, while also requesting containers from the wider network for their exports. Key achievements 1) Coastline would have saved 250+ truck trips resulting in cost savings and efficiency across the board. 2) Up until June 2023, they have saved 15,000 KGs of carbon emissions and 16,100 kms. Q&A insights 1) What are the main benefits of using MatchBox Exchange (MB) for your business? As a transport operator in Auckland, it is difficult to keep the trucks running efficiently when they’re constantly being held…
Collaboration drives efficiency: How technology is connecting and advancing the container transport industry
It is not common for competing businesses to work in collaboration with each other. But if it could save you time, reduce your costs, and bring in more business, would you consider it? This is a question that shipping container transport operators are starting to ask themselves. As the industry embraces the benefits of digital processes and starts looking for new ways to reduce costs and disruptions in supply chains, there is an opportunity for transport businesses to adopt (and benefit from) more streamlined, strategic, and collaborative processes. Indeed, emerging technology is helping the container transport industry to drive more efficient empty container management and reduce the use of depots by offering digital container reuse (or container triangulation) as a viable alternative. However, it begs the question: is this alone sufficient? Transport operators continue to wear the cost of wasteful supply chains. Container triangulation, which is often synonymous with reusing import containers for export purposes, provides significant time and cost-saving advantages for companies that can reuse empty containers in their possession – reducing the frequent need to transit through depots. It’s a great alternative to depots, that many transport businesses are adopting. However, what if import containers don’t match their export needs? In this…
Transforming landside logistics: A case study on cost reduction and enhanced productivity with Maersk and MatchBox Exchange in Australia
For more than six years, Maersk and MatchBox Exchange have formed a successful partnership that spans multiple markets. It all began in Australia back in 2017, and since then, this collaboration has generated numerous benefits for transport companies, exporters, and importers alike. In this case study, we’ll explore how MatchBox Exchange’s platform for Exchanges and Re-Uses has significantly reduced costs and increased productivity in the Australian market. Exchanges – Western Australia (WA) Parties involved 1. Grain exporters 2. Transport companies 3. Maersk and MatchBox Exchange (MB) What is happening? Currently, we have shippers sourcing units directly from others in WA via the Exchange feature. This involves the following process: A) Export shippers (or their subcontracted transport company) make an Exchange post once they get an active release number.This then, informs others that this party is looking for X units by a specified date, dropped off to a specified location. B) Other transport companies needing to dehire these units will then offer, and subsequently, Exchange these units with the exporting party. This helps users leverage each other’s import and export mix to still cut out the empty depots in cases where they can’t make a Re-Use amongst their own business mix…
Singapore: MatchBox Exchange community networking event
Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Keeping the spirit alive of achieving more by working together, MatchBox Exchange (MB) Singapore hosted an evening for our customers, at Fame Entertainment in Jurong on Saturday, October 8th, 2022. Close to 40 customers attended the event along with the added support from Wan Hai, a key MB Partner. The event was conducted to appreciate all users for adopting and supporting MatchBox Exchange’s platform with reuse and exchange bookings. The evening marked a celebration where customers who often carry out exchanges with one another got an opportunity to network. This greatly contributed to bring the logistics community together through exchanges, a big part of the MatchBox Exchange mission. To honour our top users, a segment of the event included an award ceremony. a) Hock Seng Heng Transport & Trading Pte Ltd and CA Transportation & Warehousing Pte Ltd were recognized for making the Most Re-Use and Exchange bookings so far in 2022. b) Rejoice Container Services Pte Ltd, WYN2000 Transport & Container Services Pte Ltd and Waterfront Services Pte Ltd were awarded the title of MB’s Power Users for consistently booking on the…
Our top priority is to provide customers with immediate assistance
It takes more than a great idea and some capital to get a business off the ground. Excellent customer service needs to be part of a company’s DNA from day one. At MatchBox Exchange, meeting customers’ satisfaction is paramount and, that’s why top-notch customer support has been an integral part of our success from the very beginning. On the ball and ready to help, our team provides coverage across time zones and assists each customer with a smile. Here’s an insightful interview with our Head of Operations, Yogi Sharma and Operations and Customer Support in charge, Srishti Kalyankar. Why is good customer support important for any company? In a company, the customer support team bridges the gap between the product and the customer. All of us have experienced bad customer service at one point or another. Good customer support is accessible and reliable. The customer must feel confident enough to ask questions and trust the team to provide satisfactory answers. A hands-on customer support team is necessary to build a loyal customer base and maintain the company’s reputation. How does the MatchBox Exchange customer support work? What makes it different from any other customer support team? Anytime we receive customer queries, we follow simple steps to…