BCQ Logistics is a transport business formed in 2007 that operates out of a 20,000 square metre site in Sydney. BCQ specialises in container transport and uses a modern truck fleet to provide a customer-centric, flexible service.
BCQ has been using the MatchBox Exchange platform since 2017.
Before engaging with MatchBox Exchange, BCQ were already familiar with the concept of Re-Using and Exchanging containers. "Historically, we would ring around to co-suppliers or industry cohorts," says BCQ owner and director Simon Peeke. "There was a small group of us that would swap containers and help each other out where it made sense. But there was nothing formal or structured. It was a little bit unreliable."
MatchBox Exchange approached Simon and BCQ with an idea to regulate Re-Use and Exchange and make it a sustainable framework. "When they first came to us, we were annoyed we hadn't thought of the idea ourselves."
MB has not only allowed BCQ to Re-Use and Exchange containers but enabled them to access a much wider network than the 2-3 operators they had been working with. It also delivers operational efficiencies by closing communication loops.
"We can now Exchange with a level of certainty and know the deal is done without having to speak to the shipping line to get approval," says Simon. "To have it automatically handled for you is very helpful."
The MB platform delivers a new level of visibility over when and what transactions are made, providing BCQ with a strong record of what's happened. "Even though the platform comes at a cost that we historically didn't have to wear, having access to a higher volume of containers makes MB far more economical and commercial."
"Our team has found it easy. We didn't have to spend copious amounts of time training them, and now it's just part of how the business operates," says Simon.
BCQ has also found that MB has helped minimise the impact of potential tension and frustrations of interacting with ports. "MB saves everyone a movement. It's a lot easier to get a container from someone around the corner than interact with a stevedore."
The ease and surety of which they can now transact empty containers is something Simon thinks all businesses could benefit from.
"Any business that needs a Re-Use or has containers can absolutely use MatchBox Exchange. We would suggest it's a worthwhile experience - we wouldn't go back to the old way even if we could."
“Our team has found it easy. We didn’t have to spend copious amounts of time training them, and now it’s just part of how the business operates”
Co-owner & Director BCQ, Logistics
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